All Rules and Regulations for Nidhi Company as Per MCA Norms
There are some essential basics in starting a
business, Nidhi. Business owners can choose to start a business based on the
benefits that can be enjoyed by Nidhi. There are certain restrictions and
conditions of deposit when beginning a business Nidhi. A bright idea about
Nidhi Company is required if you are new to the industry.
Nidhi Company is a corporate structure made according to Section
20A of the Companies Act 1956. It is governed by the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs (MCA), and there are specific rules to follow Nidhi Company in India.
Nidhi Company formed primarily to develop the habit of savings among its
members only for their mutual benefit. The primary source of funding for Nidhi
Company is the contribution of the members.
Rules and Regulations for Nidhi Company:
A Nidhi company is limited to undertake any of the activities
mentioned below:
· To initiate the business of leasing, chit funds, lease
financing, the acquisition of securities or insurance.
· To issue debentures or preferred shares.
· To open the current account of the Member.
· To accept, lend, or deposit money to any person other
than its members.
· Finally, some agreement or pay brokerage implores all
types of deposits.
· They promise an active submitted by members of the
Company as security.
Terms of Deposit
· The conditions Nidhi each Company must comply before
granting loans are as follows:
· Deposits are accepted by the Company should not exceed
Nidhi 20% of its net owned funds.
· The amount of fixed deposit can be accepted for six
months at least, and sixty months maximum, while periodic filings may be
accepted for a minimum of 12 months and 60 months.
· The interest rate on the deposit must not exceed 2%
above the price presented by the Nationalized Banks.
· Nidhi Company branches can be opened only when it
achieved a net profit after taxes consistently over the previous three years.
· After the three-year period has elapsed, the Nidhi
Company can open up to three branches of the district.
· Nidhi Company may open branches until he submitted a
financial statement and the annual return with the Registrar of the time.
more about Nidhi Company Registration,
requirements, and other procedures in India
article talks about opening a company, Nidhi, so that you can save money for
your future. Offered details on the incorporation of companies Nidhi will be
useful for young Entrepreneurs. Know about the benefits of Nidhi Company Registration,
so you take advantage of all the benefits.